

KOR 한국프로축구선수협회 유튜브 한국프로축구선수협회 인스타그램 한국프로축구선수협회 네이버포스트


Sponsorship Information

Support the Korea Pro-Footballer's Association to create a better football environment in Korea.

Purposes of Sponsorship* The Korea Professional Footballers' Association is a designated donation organization.

  • 신영록, 유연수 선수 지원Support Young-Rok Shin and Yeon-Su Ryu
  • 유소년 지원Support for youth football in Korea
  • KPFA 자선경기 운영 등Operation of KPFA Charity Matches, etc.

A sponsorship account

  • Woori Bank 1005 704 422565
  • account holder 사단법인 한국프로축구선수협회
* For inquiries regarding donation receipts, please contact us at kpfa.official@gmail.com